Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Class Notes

  • Renaissance - Venice is wealthy and can afford to get into art.  Trade booms allow tomato and potatoes to be shipped from the 'new world.'
  • Judging Art - Instead of simply saying that you like a piece of art, say, "it speaks to me."  AKA, I get it, I get what DaVinchi is telling me...  What does this mean?  How does it make you feel?  What's the purpose?
  • Change in time period often reflects and correlates with a shift in the Meaning/Presence Pendulum.
  • Brunalesky designs dome for church - kicks off the renaissance.  Also discovers linear perspective (road disappearing into the horizon).
  • Gothic cathedrals are ginormous and give the feeling that the you are so small in comparison to everything...
  • Raffael - Triangles, Pyramid schemes in his paintings, human elements.
  • School of Athens - Looking into Rafael's golden age.  Famous artist, scientists, philosophers... all that had died by the time of the painting.  Rafael chose people he'd like to meet/hang out with. 
  • Doc Mack - "...set aside the pieces of a culture that you don't understand or agree with and find the things of good report/praiseworthy."
  • Hamlet - Hamlet's problem is that he doesn't act!  He sits on his decision fort so long that as a result, a lot of people die!

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