Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Class Notes

Garden of the Forking Path

German spy, not because of his loyalty to Germany, but because he wants to prove that the Chinese are capable/smart.

Salvador Dali - The persistence of memory (1931
Dali's painting suggest that even time isn't a constant thing and is being uprooted. Einstein begins to question time...  Clocks suggest that the thing that has been so reliable actually isn't!  We can't be sure that the sun WILL come out tomorrow...  People are beginning to distrust the center and it reflects in their art.

A piece of art isn't complete until it's viewed... and each person responds differently because they come from different backgrounds and experiences...

Surrealism and the idea of time is central to modernism/post modernism.

Lyo Tard - there are grand narratives that explain everything.  Christian narrative - plan of salvation.  Communism, Science, etc.  Coming into the 20th century people lose faith in absolute truths... and create their own paradox that there are no grand narratives... and your world begins to break down.

Mircea Eliad - the sacred and the profane.  People find a center to their universe and build around that center.  Once a center breaks down we move on and find a new center.  20th century breaks away from centers that creates unorganized space.

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